Thursday, July 26, 2012

Do you love books?

Free shipping on book orders of $25 or more and help send Ethiopian children to school in Kechene
Do you love books?  Could you ever have enough of them?  Or do you have some books you want to buy as gifts?  How about getting what you need or want and having it go towards a great cause at the same time?  Isn’t that just the best of both worlds?!?  Well, the folks at Christian Books Bibles have agreed–willingly and excitedly, I might add–to help us out.  Or, I should say, to help the children out in Kechene, Ethiopia.  Go to their website ( and place an order, you will also be giving to Awake and Alive, helping us reach our goal to start a school for vulnerable children ages 4-6 in the capital city.  Here’s how it’ll look:
1.  Go to
2.  Order your items.
3.  At checkout, enter the promo code (AWAKE&ALIVE)
4. If your order is $25 or more (that’s a decrease from $50), you get free shipping on what is already one of the cheapest sites for new books around, and we get a portion of the profits!
You see how it’s a win-win?  So, what are you waiting for:  GO ORDER SOME BOOKS!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 keep doing this to us!

You continue to knock our socks off!
Thank you! 

At the beginning of this year Awake and Alive was still almost $20,000 short of reaching our goal of $44k by September. This goal will send 30 street children in Ethiopia to school. It will be giving them education, food, support, and the chance to know Jesus.
So we sent out letters asking for support from our close friends and family members, 
By May we were at $41,000, and only 3k short of our dream goal. 

So we let you all know the need, and boy-oh-boy did you all respond! In less then 2 weeks time Awake and Alive reached the goal of 44k! 
 We were in awe!

So after that big push to raise the $44K it has been pretty quiet around here.

But we know we have another school year to start raising funds for.
 It is time to gear back up.
So we set a goal of three-thousand dollars in a week and a half. And did you all ever show up!?!

 The 1st gift was $25 on the 1st day we posted about it. Then we received a gift of $500 the next day! A day later money came that we had done a fundraiser for previously, then some more gifts of a few hundred dollars and then some more!
The last few days I (Jolene) was posting that Awake and Alive was only about $900 short of the $3K goal,
 Then that evening my husband, Darin got a text message from one of his friends that he wanted to cover what we had left so the goal could be met!!!

Socks knocked off!! 

Here are just a few things we know are true. 

You are generous people.

 God is softening and breaking your hearts for the plight of these children.

God loves the children of Kechene far more then any of us could ever imagine or understand. 
Thank You.