Become Awake and Alive.
Join us in giving hope through education to children in Ethiopia, Africa!
Provides the essential uniform needed for a child to attend the Bright Future Academy.
It also is an outfit that signifies hope and dignity for these young children.
Gives an education for one child for a month.
This gift includes school fees, two meals a day, school supplies and anything they need for and entire month of education, as well as a safe place to learn, grow and be off the streets.
Your gift will ensure that every child in the Bright Future Academy will receive 2 meals a day for a month.
This is something these children have never experienced before being a part of this program!
This gift includes school fees, two meals a day, school supplies and anything they need for and entire month of education, as well as a safe place to learn, grow and be off the streets.
Your gift will ensure that every child in the Bright Future Academy will receive 2 meals a day for a month.
This is something these children have never experienced before being a part of this program!
School Building
Pays rent for one month.
This gift will allow 30 children a safe environment to learn and grow.
While your one time gift is so valuable and appreciated, we would ask that you would make a commitment to partner with us monthly. It is through your consistency and commitment that we will truly see change! Together we can end the cycle of poverty for these young children through education!

It’s impossible for us to look at these young children and not think of our own little ones. It is very real to us. Let it be very real to you as well. And–PLEASE!–go beyond just wishing it was different and DO something about it!!! Help send the most vulnerable children to school. It IS possible.
Kechene is a district within Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, of 46,000 people. It has the highest HIV prevalence in the city, with almost 16% of its residents estimated to be suffering from the disease. Because of the AIDS crisis and the devastating impact of poverty and unclean water, the district is filled with widows and their children, or worse, orphan-led households. Many within the district eke out a living by rising at 4 am to get firewood back to the city’s morning market for sale by 7 am. It is not an easy life. They labor, often for up to seventeen hours a day and have very little to show for it.
Many of those opting for this lifestyle are the widowed women who go to collect sticks, while their young children are left at home.
With so little money, and such enormous challenges, the children often have no option but to go out into the world and earn a living, too, to contribute to the family. The work available is physically demanding on these tiny laborers; it is not uncommon to see a boy of around 5 carrying his brother on his back as he goes about his work – selling Kolo (roasted barley). Tiny boys drift about hustling for work shining shoes: this earns about half an American cent a shoe shine.
“The children here have no childhood, and very little idea of play, or fun. They are only concerned about making a little money to eat, so you see them, from a tiny age, bent double carrying wood, or sat working with a weaver all day, which earns them just 1 birr a day, about 12 US cents.”*
While reading this may seem totally overwhelming–mind-numbing even–there is something that we can do! Awake and Alive started a school for the youngest of these children in Kechene ages 4-6 who are the most vulnerable. Awake and Alive’s goal is to help those younger–the ones who are left at home while their moms are out working. This school will not only provide these precious children with 2 full meals a day and shelter, it will also provide them with an education–a luxury most children in this area cannot afford. Yet, without an education they have very little hope of rising above their current circumstances.
With your help, Awake and Alive can change that.