THANK YOU to anyone who came to an event that helped raise money for the Bright Future Academy.
THANK YOU to those of you who have offered us an encouraging word....or lots of 'em!
THANK YOU to anyone who has prayed for us, Awake and Alive, our families, or the people of Kechene.
THANK YOU to those who have offered their services in any way.
THANK YOU for the much-needed advice in all things non-profit.
THANK YOU to those who sent money in any increment at all.
THANK YOU to those of you who have successful blogs and allowed us to be guest bloggers.
THANK YOU to those who have liked us on facebook.
THANK YOU to those who have encouraged others to like us on facebook.
THANK YOU to those who have watched our videos.
THANK YOU to those who are thinking and praying about going on our mission trip.
THANK YOU to those who have done fundraising for us.
THANK YOU to those who have bought our t-shirts and wear them as conversation starters
(or just wear them because they're pretty stinkin' cool!)
THANK YOU to those who have watched our children so that we can get stuff done
(including our amazing, stupendous, marvelous husbands)
THANK YOU for believing in us and that He who started a good work, has even more in store!!!
You fill our hearts with gratitude as we sit and reflect on all that has transpired this year and all who have come alongside us to make this dream in our hearts a reality. When we count our blessings, You are them.