“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Once there were two women who didn’t know each other. They were passionate and wanted to be purposeful in their desire to make a difference in the world, but they weren’t sure how. It felt too big with too many choices. So they read and studied and searched online and immersed themselves in the process of learning. This went on for some time. During this time the two women met and were drawn to each other not only because of this desire to make a difference but largely because of their connection to the country of Ethiopia and the gift of adoption. You see, their hearts both longed for children from this beautiful country. After much time passed, their Ethiopian princesses came home forever and became fast friends.
Trials came and humility grew. The search for meaning and the desire to follow Jesus continued. Finally, the time came. No more studying. It was time for action. But, what? How? When? This quote brought a good reminder: “Take one step at a time and wait for God to show you the next step.” Step: The seed for a ministry working with Africans was planted. Step: Meetings with husbands took place as did prayer…and the seed was watered. Step: More meetings with Ethiopians took place and the seed sprouted. Visioning, planning, processing and the excitement became overwhelming. The need was great, and God put in each of our hearts the desire and passion and resources for Awake and Alive to be born. Each new step has brought with it joy, peace, and purpose. While we are still in the baby stages of an organization that will one day, hopefully, touch hundreds of lives (or more?!?), it was birthed long, long ago in the hearts and minds of two women created by God for this unique purpose. God is good and his love endures forever!

Trials came and humility grew. The search for meaning and the desire to follow Jesus continued. Finally, the time came. No more studying. It was time for action. But, what? How? When? This quote brought a good reminder: “Take one step at a time and wait for God to show you the next step.” Step: The seed for a ministry working with Africans was planted. Step: Meetings with husbands took place as did prayer…and the seed was watered. Step: More meetings with Ethiopians took place and the seed sprouted. Visioning, planning, processing and the excitement became overwhelming. The need was great, and God put in each of our hearts the desire and passion and resources for Awake and Alive to be born. Each new step has brought with it joy, peace, and purpose. While we are still in the baby stages of an organization that will one day, hopefully, touch hundreds of lives (or more?!?), it was birthed long, long ago in the hearts and minds of two women created by God for this unique purpose. God is good and his love endures forever!
Can you believe it's been almost exactly a year since we got our official business corporation status? It has been a wonderful first year, dear friend. I am SOOO thankful for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just LOVE this picture!!!!!! Especially the boy in the front!
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