Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mission Trip

This is an unedited, snap shot of life in Kechene. You did hear me correctly when I said in the video that 5 people live in that little tiny home. They only have 2 beds. The place is filthy. Two of the 3 children have to work to help provide food. Their mother was gone all day working. Leaving the oldest daughter, 13, to care for her younger sick brother. Their kitchen is directly out side of the front door. The little boy is sick with Typhoid. They do not have access to clean water. In our standards they have nothing...
yet they are smiling.
They are smiling because of the love of Jesus.
The great people we are partnering with to start our school are the same people who have shown love to the community already! By showing them love: giving them medicine, education, and sharing the Gospel, the love of Jesus Christ,
they have HOPE!

If, while watching this video you could see yourself in those homes loving and advocating for the people of Kechene would you please prayerfully consider coming with us this fall. If traveling to Kechene is not an option for you would you please support us in prayers! Please keep Awake and Alive and our team in your prayers. And if you feel lead to give financially to our project, starting a school for the young street children, please click the link below.
. Online fundraising for Jolene fundraising for Awake and Alive

Sunday, January 8, 2012


It’s impossible for us to look at these young children and not think of our own little ones. It is very real to us. Let it be very real to you as well. And–PLEASE!–go beyond just wishing it was different and DO something about it!!! Help send 90 of the most vulnerable children to school, slotted to begin September 2012. It IS possible.
Kechene is a district within Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, of 46,000 people. It has the highest HIV prevalence in the city, with almost 16% of its residents estimated to be suffering from the disease. Because of the AIDS crisis and the devastating impact of poverty and unclean water, the district is filled with widows and their children, or worse, orphan-led households. Many within the district eke out a living by rising at 4 am to get firewood back to the city’s morning market for sale by 7 am. It is not an easy life. They labor, often for up to seventeen hours a day and have very little to show for it.
Many of those opting for this lifestyle are the widowed women who go to collect sticks, while their young children are left at home.
With so little money, and such enormous challenges, the children often have no option but to go out into the world and earn a living, too, to contribute to the family. The work available is physically demanding on these tiny laborers; it is not uncommon to see a boy of around 5 carrying his brother on his back as he goes about his work – selling Kolo (roasted barley). Tiny boys drift about hustling for work shining shoes: this earns about half an American cent a shoe shine.
“The children here have no childhood, and very little idea of play, or fun. They are only concerned about making a little money to eat, so you see them, from a tiny age, bent double carrying wood, or sat working with a weaver all day, which earns them just 1 birr a day, about 12 US cents.”*


While reading this may seem totally overwhelming–mind-numbing even–there is something that we can do! Awake and Alive is planning to start a school for the youngest of these children in Kechene ages 4-8 who are the most vulnerable. While Bright Future focuses on children age 9 and above, Awake and Alive’s goal will be to help those younger–the ones who are left at home while their moms are out working. This school will not only provide these precious children with 2 full meals a day and shelter, it will also provide them with an education–a luxury most children in this area cannot afford. Yet, without an education they have very little hope of rising above their current circumstances.

With your help, Awake and Alive can change that.

$1,000 will sponsor a teacher for an entire year. This teacher will change the course of so many young children's lives! With sponsoring a teacher you will not only give the children hope for a Brighter Future but will be giving a teacher the ability to have hope in their community and the ability to be the change for so many orphaned children.
$500 will sponsor a child to attend the Bright Future Academy. This will remove one orphaned child from hard labor and the streets of Kechene. It will provide uniforms, books, 2 meals a day(something these children are not use to), protection, and hope for a Brighter Future for an entire school year.
Of course ANY amount you can give will make a huge impact on the lives of these little children.
“Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.” Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Begining of A&A

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Once there were two women who didn’t know each other. They were passionate and wanted to be purposeful in their desire to make a difference in the world, but they weren’t sure how. It felt too big with too many choices. So they read and studied and searched online and immersed themselves in the process of learning. This went on for some time. During this time the two women met and were drawn to each other not only because of this desire to make a difference but largely because of their connection to the country of Ethiopia and the gift of adoption. You see, their hearts both longed for children from this beautiful country. After much time passed, their Ethiopian princesses came home forever and became fast friends.

Trials came and humility grew. The search for meaning and the desire to follow Jesus continued. Finally, the time came. No more studying. It was time for action. But, what? How? When? This quote brought a good reminder: “Take one step at a time and wait for God to show you the next step.” Step: The seed for a ministry working with Africans was planted. Step: Meetings with husbands took place as did prayer…and the seed was watered. Step: More meetings with Ethiopians took place and the seed sprouted. Visioning, planning, processing and the excitement became overwhelming. The need was great, and God put in each of our hearts the desire and passion and resources for Awake and Alive to be born. Each new step has brought with it joy, peace, and purpose. While we are still in the baby stages of an organization that will one day, hopefully, touch hundreds of lives (or more?!?), it was birthed long, long ago in the hearts and minds of two women created by God for this unique purpose. God is good and his love endures forever!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Get Involved

Awake and Alive is a community effort, and you are needed here. There are several ways that you can help and become part of the community.

Support the project
A perfect way to donate is through the Razoo site here. If you want to write a check remember to make the check out to Epic Church with Awake and Alive in the memo line as we are still waiting on our official 501(c)3 status from the IRS. Send the check to 18433 Mandi Lane, Goshen, IN 46528.

During the coming months, while getting the school project off the ground, we will continually need prayers for wisdom. We ask that you take up the challenge with us, praying for the project’s success as each step unfolds. As two very busy mommas we would also welcome prayers for our families.

Spread the word
Last, but not least, we ask you for one more huge favor! Will you help spread the word?
It’s only with the support of a community of people, who are passionate about seeing orphans given a future, will a project like this thrive. Will you talk about Awake and Alive and the school project on Facebook, Twitter and everywhere you meet friends?
These street children need you to spread the word!
Click the Like Button as often as you can! The more times you click that button on our posts, the more of your friends will know about the widows and orphans who need our help.

Come and Help
We are taking a team in September to Kechene, Ethiopia! On this trip we will be setting up a sponsorship program for some of the most desperate children in Ethiopia. We will be there for the opening of the school. We have been working so hard to bring awareness to Kechene and the need there, in hopes that your heart is moved to help. E-mail us if you have any interest in this trip.