Lynn told me, "I want to be a cross over company, not just another Christian tee shirt company. Love the cross over because we have the opportunity to tell the story of John 9 and it opens lots of conversation when people say, "spit in the dirt ?""
Lynn has a HUGE heart for Africa and a large amount of the proceeds of Wear Love go to help street boys in Saint Louis (san-loo-EE), Senegal, Africa.
She is flying solo in the Wear Love venture so lets show some love to Lynn.
(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.)
What have you been wearing these days?
Does what you wear show people who you are and what you believe in?
We have an opportunity for one of our lucky readers to do just that for free!!
Lynn is lovingly and generously donating one of these shirts to an
Awake and Alive follower!

can go to Lynn's store Click here and buy one for yourself or for your entire family!
(They make great Christmas gifts)
So here is what you have to do to get entered to win one of these great t-shirts:
(each entry should have it's own comment.)
2 Mandatory Entries
1. Be a follower of Awake and Alive’s blog {leave me a comment that you do follow..1 Entry}
2. Like Wear Love on FB and leave Lynn an encouraging message on the page, or let her know you came from Awake and Alive. {leave me a comment that you did …1 Entry}
Follow Awake and Alive on FB here {Again, tell me you follow..1 Entry}
Share this giveaway on your FB and encourage others to check out Awake and Alive {1 Entry}
Take our button off the side and post it on YOUR blog until this give away is over {tell me you did..1 Entry!!!}
The mother of all entries...
do a write up on your blog about Awake and Alive and link up to us in your post. (You can tell your readers how you know us, what inspires you about the work we are doing, something we have written about that made you think differently or your come up with your own idea about Awake and Alive and write about that.) {if you do this tell me that you have and leave a link to your blog....5 entries}
You have a potential for 10 entries!!
We will be drawing the winner for the Wear Love T-shirt on Friday September 30th.
Go. Spread the love! Then Wear Love.
I am following your blog!! :)
whitneypratt@ymail.com and on FB
I am a fan of Wear love on FB and left her a comment.
following awake and alive on FB :)
I grabbed your button for my blog. pratterbox.blogspot.com
I just shared on FB! :) whitneypratt@ymail.com
I am following the awake and alive blog and also on facebook. I am also a fan of wear love and liked it on facebook :)
I'm a follower of this blog! :)
I like wear love on fb and I left her a note (Lauren Casper)
I like awake and alive on fb too! :)
I am a follower of your blog =)
I "like" Wear Love on FB
"Like" Awake and Alive on FB
Shared giveaway on FB =)
Love me some Awake and Alive!!!:)
Sent wear love some love and liked on fb!:)
I follow awake and alive on fb!!:)
I am a follower of Awake & Alive! Love what you guys do!!
I liked WEAR LOVE and left her a message on her site! :)
I'm an Awake and Alive follower =)
I liked Wear Love on facebook and left a message there =)
I follow Awake & Alive on facebook!
I shared the giveaway on facebook =)
Your button is on my blog =)
I posted about your giveaway on my blog, strongfamilyadoption.blogspot.com, so happy to share the news =)
I'm a follower of Awake and Alive.
I liked Wear Love FB page and left a comment.
I shared the article on my page and added a little message with it.
I grabbed the Awake and Alive button and put it on my blog.
I really love the Wear Love tees! It's so excited to see a big family of people advocating together to LOVE! I have 2 entries earned today. Thanks for this fun giveaway!
You know, there aren't many downsides to being the husband of a co-founder (Jolene) of A+A, but not being able to win this contest is one of them...
I LOVE, I mean "like" Awake & Alive on FB. :)
I follow your blog
Finally got a FB and liked Wear Love
I liked Awake and Alive on Facebook
Your button is on my blog
I follow A+A's Blog!
I like'd it on FB
I shared it on my FB
I liked Wear Love on FB tooo!!
Pick me! :)
Love this blog and I am def following it!
I follow your blog of course!
I "liked' Lynn on facebook and left her a comment!
I already follow Awake and Alive on facebook :)
I always keep your button on my blog under my "I Support" tab at the top of my blog, not sure if this counts or not!
I'm following your blog!
I "Like" you on FB :-)
I "like" Awake & Alive" on FB. I appreciate what you're doing!!!
I'm a follower of Awake & Alive.
I'm a follower of Wear Love on FB and left a comment.
I like Awake & Alive on FB.
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