Monday, October 29, 2012


Once again your hearts amazed us! We had a goal and
 you blew it out of the water! 
We had our 1st ever matching grant opportunity. A chance to raise $7,000 for the school and the children in Kechene, Ethiopia. 
Because you spread the word and gave, that goal was met!!
"Thank you" for making this challenge a success!! 

~ All of us at Awake and Alive and all of the children at the Bright Future Academy

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We don't have much time!!

2 Days!!! 

That is all the time we have left in the challenge to raise $7,000 in one month for the precious children in Kechene, Ethiopia.
This is the 1st time Awake and Alive has had a donor give as a "Matching Grant" and we do not want to leave any of their $3,500 on the table! 

The school is up and running. But it can not continue with out your support. 
We need you to help us reach this goal!
 When you give now your gift will be doubled!
We are looking forward to celebrating with YOU on October 21st!
 But we can not do that unless we can raise $3,500! 
Join with us for this life changing opportunity 
to change children lives in one of the
 poorest communities in all of Ethiopia! 

Donate Now 

 The King will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these you did for Me." Matthew 25:40